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Developing Friendship With God 6CD


Friendship and fellowship with God is the richest thing God has made available to you.

Available on back-order

How would you describe a genuine friend?

The best thing about a friend is it is someone you can trust. It’s safe to share your dreams with a true friend who believes in you. A genuine friend is someone who knows your faults and loves you anyway. It’s someone who can share your joys and bear your sorrows and you can do the same for them.

Kenneth Copeland helps you walk hand in hand with God through His Word and see He’s not just your heavenly Father. He is also a true, sincere friend. Better than any friend you’ve ever had.

God treasures you more than anyone else possibly could. After all, He gave His only Son just to develop a relationship with you. God always believes the best for you and His words are full of life, full of healing, full of power, full of love—for you!

Make Developing Friendship With God your top priority. Dig into this 4-message series and discover the ways of God. You’ll begin to understand Him like never before. And you’ll realize that you can know His heart and distinctly recognize His voice. Just like a friend.

A companion study guide is also available for purchase.

Teaching on Compact Disc 4 Messages on 6 CDs by Kenneth Copeland

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Weight 0.3294 kg


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