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Faith That Can Move Mountains LLK


God has given every believer the measure of faith… … not weak faith, but God’s own faith — the kind of faith that can move a mountain.

32 in stock (can be backordered)

God has given every believer the measure of faith… …not weak faith, but God’s own faith—the kind of faith that can move mountains! Whether believing for a specific breakthrough, or just want to become the spiritual powerhouse they know God has called them to be, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland’s fifth installment of the LifeLine Kit series will help readers get there. They’ll discover how to approach life—strong and confident that the faith of God in them is more than enough to handle whatever life throws their way. Readers will also learn:

  • What faith is—and what it is not
  • The source of your faith
  • How faith works
  • How to have fearless faith
  • How faith can change the very fabric of your daily life
  • And much more!

This LifeLine kit includes uncompromised, detailed teaching about faith by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, with interactive devotional questions to help readers apply the teaching to their situation. It also includes a CD filled with scriptures read by Kenneth Copeland to help keep your faith strong, worship music on CD that to help you keep your heart and mind fixed on exercising your faith, and DVD teaching to keep you focused on the Word. And finally, takealong Faith in Action cards provide a connection point with the materials.

Additional information

Weight 0.455 kg


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