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FAITH IS… How to Move a Mountain DVD


The Bible is clear: You have enough faith to do whatever God has called you to do.

87 in stock (can be backordered)

"FAITH IS…the spiritual creative force of God that’s inside your born-again spirit!” —Kenneth Copeland

The Bible is clear: You have enough faith to do whatever God has called you to do. And in this series, Kenneth Copeland goes back to the basics to teach the truths he’s discovered and lived for 50 years. You’ll find answers to questions like:

  • What is faith?
  • Who has faith, and how can you get it?
  • How do you use faith?
  • How can you be sure faith will work for you--every time?
  • Stand up, step out and step in to everything God has called you to do…when you discover the power of living by faith!

15 Messages on 3 DVDs

Teaching on DVD

By Kenneth Copeland

Additional information

Weight 0.081 kg


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