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Healthy Gut Zone


The GUT is where most of the action is! It is the bedrock foundation of our health.

9 in stock

The GUT is where most of the action is! It is the bedrock foundation of our health.

If you mention the importance and purpose of the gut, most people nod their heads knowingly. They have heard all about the gut's role in digestion:

  • What to do if you have a stomachache
  • The importance of chewing properly
  • How fibre can help with constipation

The gut plays more of a commanding role in disease prevention, weight loss, reversing sickness, and our overall than we ever thought.

Dr. Colbert outlines a health plan that will give your gut what it needs to benefit your body.

All healing begins in the gut!

Hardcover Book

By Dr. Don Colbert

Additional information

Weight 0.420 kg


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